Rental Rates and Policies

Member Personal Rental Rates – as of 1/1/25

Private Lesson Rental Rates – as of 1/1/25

People taking private lessons are responsible for paying a rental fee in addition to the instructor's fee. The rental fee should be paid to the instructor. Rates are for private lessons by Y2K9s instructors only.


Y2K9s Members $30 $20
Non-members $45 $35

Full Day/Weekend Rentals

Our facility is available to rent by non-members for events. Please contact the rental manager with any questions or to reserve.

  • Area A (turf field/agility equipment): $800 per day
  • Area A + Area B: $1300 per day
  • Area B or C (Area C only available on class break weeks): $600 per day

Rental Policies

Hourly rentals are available to Y2K9s Members only

  • Members may bring non-members with them, however, they must be current or former students of Y2K9s. The renting member must be present for the duration of the rental. Exceptions to this policy may be possible by contacting Sally Silverman.
  • A member may schedule a rental no more than 4 weeks in advance. A member may only schedule 2 hours of rentals a week, unless there is space available on the requested day, no more than 48 hours in advance.

Private lessons

  • Private lessons may be offered by Y2K9s instructors only and the instructors are requested not to schedule more than 2 hours of private lessons on weekends.

When scheduling a rental, a few things to remember:

  • Jumps may be left out in Area A at the end of the rental. All accessories (hoops for contacts, contact boards, cones, numbers etc.), and any specialty jumps (broad jump, triple, wall jump, etc.) should be put away. The exceptions are: anyone renting before Monday AM turf cleaning, must put all jumps away; and anyone renting Wednesday AM may not change the course because Rosie uses it for classes. All equipment in Area B and Area C must be put away at the end of the rental.
  • Please pick up after your dog AND yourself. Take a moment to look around before you leave to make sure you haven’t left any beverage bottles, trash, water bowls, balls, toys, etc. and that you have closed the crate doors.
  • When putting the key back into the lock box, please scramble the numbers so that the key is not left in the box with the code to open it still in place!
  • Remember to turn off lights AND fans, and to make sure the bathroom door is locked.
  • If you are unable to make a rental that you have scheduled, please let Rob Moore know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that time could be enjoyed by fellow club members. Renters are still responsible for payment.
  • If anything is amiss, please let Patsy Sullivan know, or if anything is problematic with the building, contact Rob Moore or Larry Silverman.



There is a $10 PEEnalty for dog accidents ANYWHERE IN THE BUILDING

PEEnalty Payment

Payment for: PEEnalty Fine

Amount: $10.00

Enter your details below

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Field Turf Floor

We have made a big investment in this flooring and need your help in keeping it in good shape
  • Do not let your dog run loose on the field turf
  • $10 PEEnalty for dog accidents on the turf or ANYWHERE IN THE BUILDING
  • Use treats that can be easily found by your dog
  • No human food or drinks on the turf
  • Let an instructor know if you see any infractions; help enforce these rules
  • Should a spill or accident occur, use disinfectant in the spray bottle and paper towels to blot