Requirements: This is for dogs who have had some experience with parkour. However, it is not required that the behaviors are fluent to participate in a working spot. Anyone can audit and learn more about these behaviors, which can also be useful for other sports.

Description: UNDER and 2 FRONT FT ON are the focus of this workshop. We will work on different unders, including low ones and long ones. We will also work on CRAWL to help with the really low unders.

For 2 FRONT FT ON we will work on different heights and textures, things that move, and also separating the front feet so each foot is on something different. We can also work on the front ft on side pass (crab walk) .

Cost: $25 for members, $35 for non-members. Limit 8 working spots, unlimited auditing. $15 per auditor.

Instructor: CJ Hazell

Email CJ with questions about this class.

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  • Working Spot
     December 10, 2023
     2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Auditing Spot
     December 10, 2023
     2:00 PM - 3:30 PM