Requirements: This is for dogs who have had some experience with parkour. However, it is not required that the behaviors are fluent to participate in a working spot. Anyone can audit and learn more about these behaviors, which can also be useful for other sports.
Description: For this workshop we will be focusing on jumping. We will work on precision jumping with collection, gap jumps, and high jumps onto obstacles. We will also do some sequencing that includes jumping to the next object. We will also work on jumping over wide obstacles rather than vaulting them.
We will also work on IN. This will include getting into smaller things as well as things with higher sides. We will also work on both jumping down into and up into obstacles. The collection your dog learns by doing smaller Ins will help them develop skills that are used with other difficult behaviors such as turning on narrow planks.
Cost: $35 for members, $45 for non-members. Limit 8 working spots, unlimited auditing. $15 per auditor.
Instructor: CJ Hazell
Email CJ with questions about this class.
Working Spot
February 25, 2024
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM -
Auditing Spot
February 25, 2024
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM