Agility Coursework Excellent/Masters – Tuesday 8:30pm – Rosie Sutherland

  • Week 3
     January 21, 2025
     8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Week 4
     January 28, 2025
     8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Week 5
     February 4, 2025
     8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Week 6
     February 11, 2025
     8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

This class is geared for the Advanced/ Excellent/ Masters level student. Specific handling skills are targeted each week to improve each team’s competency in a variety of areas. These skills are then worked into sequences at speed and course work. Emphasis on correct timing and placement of reinforcement as well as maintaining enthusiasm and drive (more…)

Mental Resilience for the Competition Dogs – Handling Edition – Sunday, February 2

  • Working Spot
     February 2, 2025
     9:00 am - 4:00 pm

With Bobbie Bhambree-Wirkmaa, CBDC, CPDT-KA, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Prerequisite: 1) Taken the Mental Resilience seminar with Bobbie at Y2K9s OR 2) Currently works with Bobbie privately OR 3) Attended any Brain Camp seminar or webinar Teams should be able to run short sequences of jumps and tunnels. There will be no contacts or weaves. Description: (more…)

Ring Stressed! – Laura Bussing – April 19 – Working Spots

  • Working Spot
     April 19, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ring Stressed! Unleashing the Potential in Stressed Performance Dogs Competing in Agility? This is for: Dogs that stress up (over-aroused with focus issues) Dogs that stress down (shutting down, slow) Dogs doing OK - you want to know how to avoid stress Dogs not competing yet - you want to stay ahead of the curve How (more…)

Ring Stressed! – Laura Bussing – April 19 – Auditing Spots

  • Auditing Spot
     April 19, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ring Stressed! Unleashing the Potential in Stressed Performance Dogs Competing in Agility? This is for: Dogs that stress up (over-aroused with focus issues) Dogs that stress down (shutting down, slow) Dogs doing OK - you want to know how to avoid stress Dogs not competing yet - you want to stay ahead of the curve How (more…)