Please note: Do not pay for your rental until the Rental Manager confirms your request!

Please pay within 48 hours (before or after the rental). If you have several rentals within 1 week's time, you may pay for all of them at once, sometime in the middle of the week .

Please remember to pay for your rentals, but please do not pay weeks to a month in advance. Those responsible for tracking rentals and payments thank you for your cooperation.

Building Rental Payment

Please use this form to pay with PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, you may check out as guest with a credit or debit card.

Payment for:

Number of people in group:


Enter date and time of rental:

Your details:

Amount to pay:

Total: $

Spambot blocker question

6 + 7 =

Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...
Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

Member Personal Rental Rates – as of 10/1/22

Private Lesson Rental Rates – as of 10/1/22

People taking private lessons are responsible for paying a rental fee in addition to the instructor's fee. The rental fee should be paid to the instructor. Rates are for private lessons by Y2K9s instructors only.


Y2K9s Members $30 $20
Non-members $45 $35