Lisa has been helping our dogs @ Y2K9s for years!
Learn hands-on techniques to check your dog for potential injuries, soreness or changes in their range of motion. You will learn ways to massage and stretch your dog, as well as learn helpful acupressure points that can enhance their well being. This workshop is helpful for young dogs, athletic dogs and senior dogs.
Working spots will include handlers working with their dog, ideally seated on the floor. Dogs participating need to be comfortable having other dogs in the room, and to remain quiet while we are learning the material. One dog per working spot.
Lisa is a certified canine rehab practitioner, and has specialized in working with canine athletes as well as senior dogs since 2014. She brings a diverse blend of skills from her background in both veterinary and human health. Lisa is passionate about helping dogs feel and move better, as well as empowering owners to advocate and assist their dogs to feel their best, in all stages of their lives.
Participants should bring a comfortable chair and a mat or blanket for their dog.
For questions, email Lynsey Heffner
Open to MEMBERS ONLY until December 1. If spots remain, non-members can register starting on December 2.
Auditing Spot
January 8, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm